AtMedia ProMail - Premium Email Hosting Services
Αξιόπιστη, γρήγορη και ασφαλής φιλοξενία ιστοσελίδων για επαγγελματίες.
- Domain aliases
- Email routing
- Email and Folder sharing
- Streams - Collaboration tool
- Offline access
- SecurePass email
- Email recall
- eWidget and Developer Space
- Tasks, Notes and Bookmarks
- IMAP/ POP access in email clients
- Huge Attachments upto 1GB
- Exchange Activesync
- Mobile apps for iOS and Android
- Calendar
- Shared calendars
- Group Calendars
- Appointment Scheduling
- Calendar Sync
- Calendar on mobile
- Resource booking
- Email backup and restoration
AtMedia ProMail 50GB / 12 Μήνες
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Κωδικός Υπηρεσίας: ATMEDIA-EHST-001